Monday, March 22, 2010
Do People In Quebec Get Tested For Tsd
Scientific Mittelbau or professor - temporary, permanent
"almost 80 percent in the scientific Mittelbau are only temporary employed women more often than men, more and more are working part-time contracts"
http://www.dradio. de/dlf/sendungen/campus/1046118 /
see also
not afford the other hand, professorial scientists "four-fifths of the research and two thirds of teaching at universities.
33% of the contracts are open-ended scientific staff at universities.
18% of the contracts of teachers and assistants at universities are open-ended.
88% of the contracts of professors at universities are open-ended. , graphic, p. 86
" From the census of 2004 can detect what proportion of PhD graduates (but including the professors), within and outside the universities in Germany
are employed, have a fixed-[]:
the 30-34 years 69% and 28% in higher education outside the universities, the 35-
39 years 61% and 17% and the 40
49 years-49% and 10%.
Among the older age groups, a temporary employment rare. Until then, most of the central building workers who did not reach professor has resigned, and only a minority is given a permanent employment at a middle construction site " 20000/16468/folder/44145/INCHER + study + to + science + Arbeistmarkt.pdf p. 87 "were in the Federal Republic of Germany in 2004 was appointed to the German university professors employed by the Federal Statistical Office the average age of 41.1 years as a professor."
http://www. + study + to + science + Arbeistmarkt.pdf p. 68
was the selectivity of access to a professorship determined in the given study using four parameters:
1% of the graduates can get a professorship.
4% of the researchers obtain a professorship.
10% of PhD graduates obtain a professorship.
"In the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, the number of postdoctoral total about 1.3 times as high as the expected number of vacant professorships." -10000000/10000-20000/16468/folder/44145/INCHER + study + to + science + Arbeistmarkt.pdf p. 69-71
2008 was the proportion of women (in Germany)
23.4% postdoctoral appointments
25.6% 17.4% 13.3%
professorships at C4/W3-Professuren
scientists and children
62 percent of professors have kids.
A third of the professors have kids.
90 percent of men in part-time jobs are childless. According to Sigrid Metz-Goeckel part-time is the main cause of infertility on the part of men.
"More and more women - especially mothers - are employed in Germany Part-time (two thirds). Their part-time rate, according to the Federal Statistical Office, ten times as high as that of the fathers. "
Monday, March 15, 2010
How To Wash Adidas Wrestling Shoes
Monday, March 1, 2010
Where Is Bigfoot Not With Monster Jam
"Poor but sexy" are the categories that we are interested in this blog: precarious work, gender, private. We work in scientific professions, get money for it or not, are flexible, well trained, team player, network, career-oriented - and we're women and men who have a problem with it, all this with our private lives, our partnerships to agree on children, home and friends. It seems as if the science is a flaw, something for which one chooses not all or nothing. Apparently it's been difficult to scientifically active and a human being. Do we want a choice: work or a functioning social life? No - we do it all! And that's not too much, it is our right!
We want all young and not so young scientists respond that want to have with what they can do and also so much money and security issues such as family, home and partnership are still possible. The have enough of it, looked to be more sympathetic of company car driving peers, the deposit, just in the state treasury. " We make this company on the important interfaces with - and we want this commitment not only perceived as a nice hobby, but as a profession like any other recognized with rights and rules. We have enough of it that we are always told that we must hold to be flexible. We are always flexible when we have a framework for action - and we mean specifically public structures: well-supervised crèche, job guarantee in the pregnancy case, part-time solutions for women and men, etc. We are women and men who finally do not have to talk about it do who earns more, whether one is at all can afford not to work, even stay if he / she wanted at home or whether work must be abandoned, because a single tax credit worth more. We want equal opportunities for relationships and partnerships in vocational, career and personal life!
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Who are we?
We have created this blog after many passionate, tiresome and hopeful conversations. We have determined one thing: we are many! We have little money, lots of intellect, fixed-term contracts for half-time jobs, no future plans, no collateral, we hate Carpooling and draughty train stations, double rent, double cosmetic equipment, wrinkled clothes from the bag, we know the constant bad conscience, never to have time for someone, and we drive around vegetables in the Federal Republic, so it is not always bad. We read and discuss and do research and have hopes and ideals. And we long for home and security and peace and BahnCard 100
We do not want to hide: we are personally, at least currently in a privileged situation: we have three PhD students at the University of Heidelberg. Our working hours we can be divided relatively free, our staff is friendly, and salary and a bit of idealism can we live. We attribute the work we do and get some money. Actually, we are fine.