Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Kinf Of Dog Does Jeffree Star Have

Federal Women's Conference of the Open

"no longer have to be macho men!" - Some Green Men have recently written a manifesto men ( -manner-manifest / ) in which they declare: "We have Green feminists" with everything that goes with it - the claim that "New fathers place, father morgana '", more flexible working patterns for men, solve the compatibility problem for them too , health policy for men. "This is real equality, have equal rights and equal obligations to achieve only with the men - not against them. Women have expanded their options by feminism, men, this step is yet to come. ". We are thrilled. The Open women do not, at least some do not. They say the men always talk, but have no solutions and not be politically active. Do we - somehow. Party structures do not even stop at patriarchal dominance. And the manifesto of the men learned a lot of public attention, recognition and praise. The Federal Women's Conference was not. Actually, they hardly appeared in the press, not even the Greens even more striking. This is of course funny. From this Anger at the man's world, the conference was sadly borne too much of. Reversal of power relations was often expressed as a claim than the call for gender equality in the sense of the word. This may be because that, unfortunately, were the only men present the conference photographers and journalists. And yet we wondered the same thing: The written submissions in the party program and in various brochures of feminism and gender justice dedicated Gunda-Werner-foundation of the Green read excellent: Gender Democracy, there is the issue (against the general trend even political terms, or even political institutions, in principle, by Anglicisms replace, we would prefer to speak of gender democracy), genuine tripartite division of labor in work and family, the breaking of gender stereotypes, new codes of masculinity 'and' femininity '. The documents are evidence of it in particular: the commitment and the gender competence of green consultants, experts and political scientists. The fact that the present politicians in the first place are - politicians - also shows that they must cover a broader range of skills, not just experts, and perhaps even emotionally different feminist than her party program sums it theoretically. The discussed feminism in order to it at the conference largely was demonstrated again and again great reminiscences to the feminism of the 70s and 80s. Both the number of posts devoted to a slightly more aggressive understood predominance of women over men and seriously attempted justice of both sexes - not to mention that other gender, gender identity and gender attributions were not addressed or thought along. Now this may be because the conference was now a women's conference time, but it is nevertheless real question whether 30 years after Alice Schwarzer and their colleagues commendable social upheavals not but could also organize a gender-democracy conference. This is not to say that these issues were not addressed and pronounced: Annelie Buntenbach as a crusader for women's rights on the board of the German Trade Union Federation, for example, argued brilliantly against exploitative conditions of work, which concerns above all women, not only in the remuneration of the work done but also time-structures, collateral such as loss of earnings and pension schemes, and legal foundations. Above all, they emphatically opposed-time work, the "work first and work second-class" create. The head of department of taz, Ines Kappert, inspired by their consistent and strong reaction of feminism and gender democracy in question and (professional) life. The panel won primarily by their contributions to intellectual and visionary content. It was their collaboration with Claudia Roth, Gender in a position analogous to lived, mature democracy make. She stressed the need for gender-sensitive "counter-public to neo-liberalization of our society" that is not satisfied, with the "conservative emancipation without solidarity or ideas of structures, but" developed an idea of the state, can the cannibalization rid of the elites "who, who was able to act. It was important to "positive vision" to develop and "small initiatives" to begin. Roth also highlighted the immense Importance of gender equality for a stable democracy and called for help to re-position, what constitutes social wealth, whether it was relevant to the market feasibility of individual working in service provider models, or about the structural framework of "good work" for migrants or livelihoods to disadvantaged groups . Kappert pleaded visionary for shorter working hours. She called to mind just what was the emotionality of personal experiences are not often mentioned: that it was not about women and men, but rather codes for masculinity and femininity. And yet, in the pragmatics of implementation gender-political concerns in view of current political debates, internal party disputes and forced the election in NRW takes the concerns raised thousands of green visionary of their power. Yes, us women remains to be done in the field of feminism - but we are a new generation, children of the first feminists, and should develop our own feminism instead of the slogans to just take over, which were of the way first paved, such contemporary feminism to think at all - and implement them. Clearly, the issue of precarious employment relationships in science even the Greens (still) not aware of: the Comment from a workshop participant, that man / woman can not talk only about the low-skilled, quite the contrary, in higher education institutions were precarious employment relationships common practice was their right, where with an anecdote about a secretary who was in just such structures ... The objectives our generation of men and women today must surely sometimes other, more complex parts than it used to be. Read our green written. Say it. Let's do it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stop Digital Watch Beeping Every Hour

Federal Women's Conference in Bonn

this coming weekend in Bonn Bundesfrauenfonferenz the Open under the slogan "The Green New Deal - A good deal for women!" instead. On 17 and 18 April will be here all revolve around an equitable distribution of learning, education and care workers to ensure stable and reliable framework conditions right for women and the question "What do we (women) work worth it?".
"We want jobs with a future, meaningful, good work and a living a living for women and for men, which they deny not only their lives but also can make" it says in the invitation. Because we are raised - and head down there. We want to learn discuss and hear and learn about women and men who see it that way. Women from politics, associations and industry will be there, lectures hold, moderate, raise ideas and discard. It would be nice, or the one / s or other / s to take of you there!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Do Women Wear Bras

"father months"? Some statistics

Yes, parents should be free to decide on the allocation of parental months. And expand yes, the notion of family minister Schröder, the "partner months" from two to four and thus the parental leave in total extend to up to 16 months, we like to hear - especially if it is the fathers who get involved seriously in the care of children . But why, we ask ourselves apart, in the press almost unanimously the vocabulary "Father months" used?
"Instead of the previous 14 months in the future to Schroeder's parents should plan together a total of 16 months can get out of the work. The draft bill provides for the introduction of two additional fathers months, "writes the TIME 1 April on Schroeder's plans. The Süddeutsche Zeitung on 2 to April: "In early March, Schroeder announced that she wanted to increase the number of so-called father months from two to four months and also introduce a part-time parental allowance". And the FAZ writes on 6 April: "Family Minister Kristina Schroeder asked for two additional" father months " including part-time lush arrangements - per child parents could then receive up to four years, money from the state. "
is the text of the law on parental leave and parental allowance provisions of "parent" is mentioned, and "partner months". Although actually apply in reality most mothers 12 months parental leave, and fathers, only two, so can the text itself that decision, at least openly. The reasons for a 12 to 2 decision is obvious: The woman has finally brought this child into the world it is breastfeeding, and health needs to just relax a bit. In addition, they usually earn less than the father - so it is financially advantageous for more He maintains a stable salary. But two months are honorable and beautiful - but have more to do with an extended holiday as a "baby break". And we remind ourselves briefly of the abuse of so-called "father months" as "voluntary winding" (quoted in Tagesspiegel, February 21, 10). In two months no one will lose the connection to his company, the state of research, or professional contacts. In twelve can happen already.
We ask: Why use all the major newspapers apparently regardless of political orientation "father months"? Does this not a priori an alternative thinking (eg a breakdown of a same Number of parent, possibly even months, at the same time or fathers more than mothers) impossible? This will not solidify traditional gender roles rather - and the idea for an alternative and individual interpretation of that clause is unlikely?
be in part set the "father months" while in quotation marks, the question is why these delicate, two, maybe four now, months even called that at all instead of just this question of gender in the division of the months is done more on the topic. What happened in the TAZ (April 2): ", would the changes that were as already agreed in the coalition agreement, this could therefore much change, even in the economy: companies would be faced with the fact that many fathers are not just two but four months absent. Whether you can expose longer without sacrificing career options, is one of the unresolved questions of male-dominated corporate culture. Companies would have to also accept the fact that more men want to go for a good year on a part-time to shorten the working partner also share the childrearing responsibilities. The extension of the parental allowance promotes a new economy in gender roles. Because "traditionalisieren" especially in the critical months after the birth of a child, yet many couples because the fathers overtime Klopp and expose the mothers in the job. "(Barbara Dribbusch).