Federal Women's Conference in Bonn
this coming weekend in Bonn Bundesfrauenfonferenz the Open under the slogan "The Green New Deal - A good deal for women!" instead. On 17 and 18 April will be here all revolve around an equitable distribution of learning, education and care workers to ensure stable and reliable framework conditions right for women and the question "What do we (women) work worth it?".
"We want jobs with a future, meaningful, good work and a living a living for women and for men, which they deny not only their lives but also can make" it says in the invitation. Because we are raised - and head down there. We want to learn discuss and hear and learn about women and men who see it that way. Women from politics, associations and industry will be there, lectures hold, moderate, raise ideas and discard. It would be nice, or the one / s or other / s to take of you there!
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