Tuesday, August 24, 2010

House Items Used For Masterbarion

disobedience in the Main metropolis

A left alliance urges civil disobedience to, and plans for 18 October, a blockade in Frankfurt's banking district.

A left coalition will protest in Frankfurt's banking district.
Photo: rtr
Frankfurt -

A left alliance called for a blockade in Frankfurt's banking district in protest against "actors and profiteers" of the economic crisis. On 18 October in Frankfurt am Main is "an action of civil disobedience financial hubs" cripple, decided the "action conference of the AG Georg Büchner, which met on Saturday on the campus of Goethe University. After taking

FR Information The protesters Commerzbank, German and European Central Bank targeted. All three are close together. The protesters want to "block access by anyone and can" to disrupt the business. "Our position is simply," it says in the call: "We stop the redistribution from bottom to top" Whether that be done in the form of property taxes, financial transaction taxes or expropriation and nationalization of banks and large corporations, is of secondary importance.

to Action Conference met according to the AG about 200 representatives of trade unions, the Left Party and Young Socialists, Attac, of local alliances and Groups of "interventionist left." "We do not see ourselves as competition to other protest actions planned for the fall," said AG spokeswoman Karen Painter of the FR. Because previous demonstrations but had shown no effect, either a "quality improvement of protest" is needed. "We want to show. It truly goes"

Of the "blockades will not cause escalation," it says in the call to action, "but they are still determined to pursue her goal." Opponents were not the bank staff or the police.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Welcome Church In Spanish

network separated from the left

After it failed at the weekend, the innerpateilichen dislocations between the body-board and active members of the Left Whv to remedy by a vote of distrust, and instead the division by-election was even greater, we have decided to cancel dieLINKE / Whv from our list of supporters.
Several individuals of this new board to have such meeting in Kreuzelwerk repeated several times, her grassroots approach look so that the membership once or twice a year at a general meeting shall otherwise decide, however, the Executive Board in pure self-glory. - That we can not but recognize emancipatory or new, and Participate, as required in all papers of the party ever, and certainly not

large as then the content of interest, the apparent inactive members who had to choose this new board (or the old confirmed in office), has shown itself because the meeting was abandoned shortly after the elections because as they no longer had to apply a quorum.
We show that by this process, the social democratization of the Left has taken Whv their conclusion, and we will observe in future the "comrades" like a hawk.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Recipe Of Waffle With Hotdog

of G (G) Ross and tiny grasshoppers

- We all make mistakes -

Our opinion of the (slightly longer) Report of the Chairmen of Green, Mr. Biehl, the citizen portal (08/12/2010). "School concept - Clarification"

content can be said that Mr. Biehl no major errors have occurred. - However, he has a thing or forget what we (even if it is in terms of prevention) here want to add.

It is encouraging that he has made himself appear to think about the question of forfeiting (sale of receivables to a third party and the plea waiver) and other problems that have emerged in PPP over again. - We want to believe him happy that he has made this smart. It was not made known to us that he offers are a professor of economics or a chair of PPP (out there already!), etc. has climbed. - So this leads us to another problem, and that means costs. These costs are
namely us in any of his ideas and in the current audits, they usually find no entrance. These are the costs that remain the municipality after completion of a PPP contract yet: the cost of economic, legal and technical advice - should problems arise; Betreung cost of the project; Indirect costs due to tax reduction potential investors of such a project, etc.
about all these problems could have experienced Mr. Biehl, if he had come to the event in the Gorch-Fock-house and the observations would have listened to Dr. Rügemer. This, however, he has failed!

But what is very strange indeed, considering how much time Mr. Biehl else applies for sure to be unique "understanding of democracy." - Consider only its recently quoted figure in the Council of 70CT, which he has calculated his hours as a reward for exercise activities and the other volunteers. In his council allowance (allowance) of 200 € + 250 € + Group Chairman allowance attendance allowance who make up more than 650 hours a month! (Over 27 days without eating, wash and sleep!)

too, it is not, in principle, was to redress the PPP provider, but rather to provide the municipal supervision no point of attack, flowed past seems to Mr. Biehl. - Why does he now need is the inner city clique that has this in the past have often filled the pockets, it would do better this time, and he now wants to reduce its powers of scrutiny, who knows?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Nipple Extender Piercings.

Sorry ...

... we are not able to prevent the deportation Farouk. Asked
The urgent application to the administrative authority has been Oldenburger abgeschmettert well as our attempts to convince the Syrian airline like this, the suicidal People not to take on board their aircraft.
Where the young man now resident is still unclear. - Certainly, however, is that it the last night of his stay in Germany has spent in isolation and under observation, having previously expressed his suicidal intentions to employees of the detention center Langenhagen near Hanover.
It should therefore have found, however, accompanied by a doctor, when he took off last Tuesday (3.8.), To clock 14.35, from Frankfurt airport to Damascus.
Although several human rights and refugee organizations to intervene even made an attempt, we had to accept that the authority acted so and this time a has torn people directly from our midst .