Sunday, August 15, 2010

Welcome Church In Spanish

network separated from the left

After it failed at the weekend, the innerpateilichen dislocations between the body-board and active members of the Left Whv to remedy by a vote of distrust, and instead the division by-election was even greater, we have decided to cancel dieLINKE / Whv from our list of supporters.
Several individuals of this new board to have such meeting in Kreuzelwerk repeated several times, her grassroots approach look so that the membership once or twice a year at a general meeting shall otherwise decide, however, the Executive Board in pure self-glory. - That we can not but recognize emancipatory or new, and Participate, as required in all papers of the party ever, and certainly not

large as then the content of interest, the apparent inactive members who had to choose this new board (or the old confirmed in office), has shown itself because the meeting was abandoned shortly after the elections because as they no longer had to apply a quorum.
We show that by this process, the social democratization of the Left has taken Whv their conclusion, and we will observe in future the "comrades" like a hawk.


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