press release of the unemployment Forums
are talking about an "economy package, when in reality a" is anti-social "reduction orgy at the expense of poor people. This savings of 37 percent in the labor and social affairs are planned. It starts with the elimination of the parental allowance for Hartz IV, no pension contributions with ALG II (Rentenklau), The Poverty habituation supplement unemployment compensation to Hartz IV will admit judge, the housing allowance is not the fuel allowance, children should get at best a gift certificate or smart card, because supposedly unemployed parents can not get the kids can not. Hartz IV recipients be forced, under threat of permanent civil sanctions work with extremely low wages and no protection for unemployment. Much needed improvements are now purely discretionary decisions by the administrator.
We've had enough now, really. We do not pay for the actors and beneficiaries of the crisis, while the talk of a party mood again and pretend as if the crisis is over.
will decide in September, the German Bundestag on a cancellation list. While cut ruthlessly at the poor, the wealthy remain completely unscathed. We
!! for the error are the dominant political, economic, speculators held responsible. We therefore call on you, you to participate in the planned protests and actions.
This may be done on a few things that can take years, perhaps for the first time real unrest in our country. It is important here, especially on our willingness and determination. We also think it makes sense that, you Take part in the autumn campaigns of the unions. Nevertheless, the unemployment initiatives and social movements have put their own and other priorities that go beyond the protest of the unions.
appointments to in and around Wilhelmshaven:
29.9. Demonstration against the austerity package - Wilhelmshaven
10.10. "Noise beat" in Oldenburg
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