Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Where To Find Gir Costumes?
»Unemployed have no lobby "
Why is the hot autumn against the savings plans of the federal government so lukewarm? Ask activists
through its interim review of the social protests said Simon Poelchau for ND with Michael Prütz (left) and Lena Ruducha, both "in the Berlin Alliance We will not pay for your crisis" are active.
ND: Medial to the fore now Stuttgart 21, and the protests against the castor. From a hot autumn against welfare cuts is felt not much. Why is that?
Prütz: From a hot autumn is not yet an issue. This is from my point of view of the lack of mobilization of the DGB, in all of Eastern Germany and Berlin, not a single major intends to carry out action in the fall. Apparently, the DGB leadership is more to a change of government in 2013 as a protest on the street.
Ruducha: You must also consider that those affected by the upcoming cuts, the unemployed, have no lobby. At the moment, these people just by attacks by Sarrazin and Co. will be further squeezed out of society and produced a split between wage earners and the unemployed. The result is that no one is on the side of the unemployed, when reduced to them.
What has to happen so that this fall is still a success for the social movement?
Ruducha: We have the protests of 21 and against Stuttgart Castor tie. The connecting line between the various protests I see in the crisis of representation of the black-yellow government. Black and yellow makes only what is in the interest of capital. And we must show that "the crisis and its political solution by the austerity package impact on the entire population.
Prütz: The social question of should the extra-parliamentary left no longer be treated as a poor relation. So do people on the street to a lot of education work done and actions taken, in which people can easily participate. At the same time for influencing the trade unions, so they still have their social role be. To all this understanding is to clear debts that can be spread in the population, such as: Down with Hartz IV and for a minimum wage. Since it is much more in other countries.
with the demands of your group has apparently not so, Mrs. Ruducha. The Anti-Fascist Action Berlin (ALB) mobilized under the provocative slogan "Pay you fuckers!" ...
Ruducha: Claims have been a particular feature, you must also keep the big picture. Our motto is to make clear who is responsible for the crisis and who pay for it. This must be named clearly.
are named but really cause the crisis. It follows not only it.
Ruducha: We have organized numerous crises in the past demos. Now it is time to apply the protest form of the mass civil disobedience on the social question. With the federal siege on 26 November, we want to go to the place where the austerity package is to be decided, and decided to show that we are against it.
Prütz: I think the federal siege of right and important. It is on 26 November also provide a program for people who want to participate in the protest against the Federal Government, but not have the courage of civil disobedience.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fotoe Of Allpaenis Size
“Only junk for the Italian University” . This is the message written on a 10 meters long banner at La Sapienza, University of Rome, where more than 20 thousand people protested against the “rubbish reform” of the educational system by the minister Gelmini. On the 17th of November, International Students’ Day , parents, professors, researchers and students gathered publicly to peacefully fight for the emancipation of education, inspired also by a new global wave of action for education .
Italian students’ networks and movements announce that, in the next weeks, occupations of university buildings will start and that on 27 th of November students will participate to the national manifestation of the Cgil . Let’s MOVE!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Airpcap Adapter Price
friends nice head Stations
(melody. Ludwig van Beethoven, Ninth Symphony, fourth movement, a setting of Friedrich Schiller's "Ode to Joy")
friends nice head Stations
Let us stand all head to head,
Loud and colorful, with noise and trumpet
Should we behold our struggles:
all resists and with joy, That it
jab and nudged and hooks -
we are many thousands of people
And we are growing day by day.
friends beautiful parks and trees
"irreversible" is a word.
Woll'n only one we do not miss:
here to protect this place.
For the wheel, which they swear
"his" unstoppable run,
Will we, the citizens, disrupt,
If necessary, we offer something to us!
friends beautiful land laws
And the free referendum.
No one wants to violate the right to
We bow only a little Switzerland:
be involved in something more
What and who, why and for what?
Drum, by peaceful gestures
Stell'n the foot, we in the door.
friends, this city in honor of the reciprocal
Holt wiping out of the closet!
"irreversible" reverse
And the future tells us much!
No fear of coercion and figures
we are the people we have the money.
See how our eyes shine:
So we change the world.
... and our thanks to Lothar Reinhard, who has spread this story about the APRI-list!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Eating An Apple Makes My Face Turn Red
A small clique within the left WHV apparently tried in a kind of smear campaign against individual members of the District Executive Committee to act and shy away from false allegations and defamation will not return. - We do not want you denied it all and are very happy that we left the WHV striking out on our side for some time from the list of supporters ...
The e-mail that circulated in the party Die Linke, there is an internal e-mail from the organization of distribution the voters of Community LAW - wilhelmshaven left alternative. The email was dated 04/11/2010 at 11.26 clock:
"Ad hoc announcement
are currently members of the Party For The Left held in Wilhelmshaven
house searches that are to be connected with the planned protests against the
Castor Transport .
At the epicenter in the market street 124 is searched. "
This mail was forwarded to the group beyond the intended recipients.
reply to the press release THE LINKE.Wilhelmshaven:
It is wrong that The Left has no connection with the epicenter. Rather
is such that a very large proportion of the members of the Left regularly resides at the epicenter and supports this project more or less.
The two persons, acting in trust for the epicenter, are members of the party Die Linke. More than a party initiated exclusion proceedings against them to the members and they themselves know nothing.
is certain, however, that a process of elimination is running against a certain other person.
has now exposed the artificial detachment of the circuit board of alleged criminal actions of any kind which are now being imposed unilaterally, the epicenter in connection with the Castor protests.
a disputed "Castor? ! Gravels "poster hung until Thursday - such as at least a week before - the windows of the offices of the Left Party in the Gökerstraße, there are also various brochures. The poster was not posted by those members of the Left, of which the left circle board distances today.
Only on Wednesday met almost the entire circuit board in the party office next to the instructions booklet and hung up information material and approved it obvious, as the poster was not removed from the office window.
Only after learning of the internal communication LAW - wilhelmshaven left alternative to take place detached house searches the district committee of the Left unexpected burst of publicity.
But the fact remains: The Left Member of Parliament and former state chairman Diether Dehm himself, who maintains a Members' office in the party office in the Gökerstraße is one of the signatories and the initiators of the appeal "Castor? Gravels "
Diether Dehm has indicated signs of solidarity after the prosecution Lüneburg's investigation against the initiators of the civil disobedience and thus, according to press a conscious proceedings.
LAW - left alternative wilhelmshaven
and members of the party Read The Left
is the story on the homepage of and left the side of the LAW!