Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where To Find Gir Costumes?

siege of parliament

»Unemployed have no lobby "
Why is the hot autumn against the savings plans of the federal government so lukewarm? Ask activists
through its interim review of the social protests said Simon Poelchau for ND with Michael Prütz (left) and Lena Ruducha, both "in the Berlin Alliance We will not pay for your crisis" are active.

ND: Medial to the fore now Stuttgart 21, and the protests against the castor. From a hot autumn against welfare cuts is felt not much. Why is that?
Prütz: From a hot autumn is not yet an issue. This is from my point of view of the lack of mobilization of the DGB, in all of Eastern Germany and Berlin, not a single major intends to carry out action in the fall. Apparently, the DGB leadership is more to a change of government in 2013 as a protest on the street.
Ruducha: You must also consider that those affected by the upcoming cuts, the unemployed, have no lobby. At the moment, these people just by attacks by Sarrazin and Co. will be further squeezed out of society and produced a split between wage earners and the unemployed. The result is that no one is on the side of the unemployed, when reduced to them.
What has to happen so that this fall is still a success for the social movement?
Ruducha: We have the protests of 21 and against Stuttgart Castor tie. The connecting line between the various protests I see in the crisis of representation of the black-yellow government. Black and yellow makes only what is in the interest of capital. And we must show that "the crisis and its political solution by the austerity package impact on the entire population.
Prütz: The social question of should the extra-parliamentary left no longer be treated as a poor relation. So do people on the street to a lot of education work done and actions taken, in which people can easily participate. At the same time for influencing the trade unions, so they still have their social role be. To all this understanding is to clear debts that can be spread in the population, such as: Down with Hartz IV and for a minimum wage. Since it is much more in other countries.
with the demands of your group has apparently not so, Mrs. Ruducha. The Anti-Fascist Action Berlin (ALB) mobilized under the provocative slogan "Pay you fuckers!" ...
Ruducha: Claims have been a particular feature, you must also keep the big picture. Our motto is to make clear who is responsible for the crisis and who pay for it. This must be named clearly.
are named but really cause the crisis. It follows not only it.
Ruducha: We have organized numerous crises in the past demos. Now it is time to apply the protest form of the mass civil disobedience on the social question. With the federal siege on 26 November, we want to go to the place where the austerity package is to be decided, and decided to show that we are against it.
Prütz: I think the federal siege of right and important. It is on 26 November also provide a program for people who want to participate in the protest against the Federal Government, but not have the courage of civil disobedience.


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