Friday, December 31, 2010
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From the poetry book by Anna Mayer from Wannweil (1905-1999)
Wannweil, 18.4.1927
Let the Savior Fuhrmann remain
He knows all the roads well
He knows if he is to drive strong
Or should lead gently,
It leads over stock and stone
the Saviour Furman let it be.
to permanent memory
to your friend
Emma Oppenländer
Friday, December 24, 2010
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Christmas in 1960 in the parlor of George Gaiser .
from left: George Gaiser (1902 - 1977) with his wife Maria née Lumpp (1904 - 1984) Lumpp behind their sister Elizabeth (1908-1982), born Lumpp right Pauline Ott (1901-1975) with husband Karl Ott carpenter (1901-1990). The marriages were childless. The three sisters were daughters of webmaster Lumpp Carl and Marie nee Armbruster.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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autograph from Anna Mayer of Wannweil (1905-1999)
Anna Mayer lived in the " staircase" in the village street, her autograph book has been preserved. Here is the dedication of her friend Anna Hipp.
the love!
Direct your gaze, towards the sky and stars as long as your mind is still fresh, was not sluggish for learning.
If the youth withered power, you will know, blessed are they who hear the word of God, and keep it.
friendly reminder to your friend Anna Hipp
Wannweil 16 January 1919
Monday, December 20, 2010
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German Youth 1934 "is the photo on the back labeled. When Hamlet group of Hitler Youth organization.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
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Trachtengruppe When hamlet in costume.
Behind purchased the Musikverein Wannweil with the costume, it was the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary 1968th
Saturday, December 18, 2010
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year 1901, group photo at the cemetery Wannweil
. The photo is undated. It will mark the 70 anniversary in 1971 have been.
was born (right Heirich Bauer, Christian Walz, with bunk Gottlieb Welsch, beside him the deaconess Wilhelmine Wollpert.)
image of the school year of 1900-01
The photo with teachers Ebert 1914. With the confirmation in the war in 1915 not a group picture was taken.
from left top row: Hailfinger, Welsch Gottlieb, Eugene Welsch, Christian Walz, Lumpp Karl, Karl Maier, George Sauer, Luz Ott, Herrmann August, Albert Weber, Karl Ott, Hermann Heinrich, Heinrich Bauer. Middle row: William Rilling, Christian Walker, Alfred Hipp, Fred Kern, Friederike Bauer, Pure Anna, Zehntner Louise, Carol Lutz, Brucklacher Mathilde, Hans Vogel, Görlach Daniel, Paul Herrmann. Bottom row: Johanna Hack, Fred Steiner, Wilhelmina Holder, Frida Maier, Pauline Lumpp, Breakfast Caroline, Helen Sauer, Gaiser Berta, Wollpert Wilhelmine, Anna Gaiser, Dahedel.
(details of Christian Walz)
Friday, December 17, 2010
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Ernst Lumpp (11/25/1874 - 09/12/1967) 90 at its Birthday on the birthday table.
The mechanic Ernst Lumpp married on 11/02/1904 Wilhelmine Eberhardt, daughter of the crown When Weiler host Gustav Eberhardt. Wilhelmina died in 1952 at the age of 69. The couple had no children.
Ernst Lumpp as a groom.
As the son of the village blacksmith When Ludwig Lumpp Friedericke Wollpert and he grew up in a circle on 14 siblings. In his marriage, the youngest sister, Wilhelmina was 16 years old, his eldest brother Johann Georg lived as 46 years in Nebraska. brother August emigrated to Argentina a few years later. Lumpp grandfather was several years in local council Ohmenhausen and made with the Russian campaign 1812th
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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The new B 28 at Betzingen. Four-lane expansion.
The site is marked out, the bridges are already.
In 1967, the Federal Road 28 extended between Reutlingen and Tübingen to an expressway.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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fall on hardship.
This couple had a work horse in the stable. Even 40 years ago no self-evident. Animal and ate from their own field. They have become old together and died.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
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Monday, December 13, 2010
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member Karl Harrer (1910-1995) Fliesenlegermeister and "when Hamlet club photographer"
He also photographed the scene. Karl Harris has always had his equipment there.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
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winter feeding for birds.
time was considered the winter feeding on the open field floor necessary. Food boxes were hung on Streiobstwiesen and filled with "Gesa" and sunflower seeds. Here Alfred Hafner, Manfred Hipp (1922-1999), Gerhard Heinlin (1927-1999) and Gerhard Leibssle (1933-2001) put the boxes on the ground.
Gerhard Heinlin review the suspension at the fruit tree. Painter Edward Herrmann (1913-1974) will help him secure the lining of the chest.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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Globalization, genders and languages
The conference, organised by the Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies (CIRSDe) , aims to promote cultural exchanges among researchers interested in the gender perspectives in their work. At the same time, it’s an occasion to relaunch the debate on how Women’s and Gender studies can be integrated into traditional academic approaches.
The topics we intend to discuss are: globalization, cultural exchanges, transculturality, migrations, languages, economic development and the decline in importance of national boundaries. It will be necessary to adopt a gender perspective and an interdisciplinary approach in discussing these subjects.
The different topics will be analysed in the following parallel sessions (please click on links for more details):
From margins to centre. Feminism, Queer Theory and Postcolonial Critique
Gender and culture in European Cities
Gender Studies migration in the Francophone area. Approaches, Researches and Feminisms
Migrant Writings. The North American case
Migrant Writings. The Italian case
The gender and class impact of the current global crisis
Women scientists tracing the future. Development, science, roles
Date and place : February 10-12, 2011 in Turin (Italy).
Official languages: Italian, French and English.
For more details, please write at
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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»Unemployed have no lobby "
Why is the hot autumn against the savings plans of the federal government so lukewarm? Ask activists
through its interim review of the social protests said Simon Poelchau for ND with Michael Prütz (left) and Lena Ruducha, both "in the Berlin Alliance We will not pay for your crisis" are active.
ND: Medial to the fore now Stuttgart 21, and the protests against the castor. From a hot autumn against welfare cuts is felt not much. Why is that?
Prütz: From a hot autumn is not yet an issue. This is from my point of view of the lack of mobilization of the DGB, in all of Eastern Germany and Berlin, not a single major intends to carry out action in the fall. Apparently, the DGB leadership is more to a change of government in 2013 as a protest on the street.
Ruducha: You must also consider that those affected by the upcoming cuts, the unemployed, have no lobby. At the moment, these people just by attacks by Sarrazin and Co. will be further squeezed out of society and produced a split between wage earners and the unemployed. The result is that no one is on the side of the unemployed, when reduced to them.
What has to happen so that this fall is still a success for the social movement?
Ruducha: We have the protests of 21 and against Stuttgart Castor tie. The connecting line between the various protests I see in the crisis of representation of the black-yellow government. Black and yellow makes only what is in the interest of capital. And we must show that "the crisis and its political solution by the austerity package impact on the entire population.
Prütz: The social question of should the extra-parliamentary left no longer be treated as a poor relation. So do people on the street to a lot of education work done and actions taken, in which people can easily participate. At the same time for influencing the trade unions, so they still have their social role be. To all this understanding is to clear debts that can be spread in the population, such as: Down with Hartz IV and for a minimum wage. Since it is much more in other countries.
with the demands of your group has apparently not so, Mrs. Ruducha. The Anti-Fascist Action Berlin (ALB) mobilized under the provocative slogan "Pay you fuckers!" ...
Ruducha: Claims have been a particular feature, you must also keep the big picture. Our motto is to make clear who is responsible for the crisis and who pay for it. This must be named clearly.
are named but really cause the crisis. It follows not only it.
Ruducha: We have organized numerous crises in the past demos. Now it is time to apply the protest form of the mass civil disobedience on the social question. With the federal siege on 26 November, we want to go to the place where the austerity package is to be decided, and decided to show that we are against it.
Prütz: I think the federal siege of right and important. It is on 26 November also provide a program for people who want to participate in the protest against the Federal Government, but not have the courage of civil disobedience.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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“Only junk for the Italian University” . This is the message written on a 10 meters long banner at La Sapienza, University of Rome, where more than 20 thousand people protested against the “rubbish reform” of the educational system by the minister Gelmini. On the 17th of November, International Students’ Day , parents, professors, researchers and students gathered publicly to peacefully fight for the emancipation of education, inspired also by a new global wave of action for education .
Italian students’ networks and movements announce that, in the next weeks, occupations of university buildings will start and that on 27 th of November students will participate to the national manifestation of the Cgil . Let’s MOVE!
Friday, November 12, 2010
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friends nice head Stations
(melody. Ludwig van Beethoven, Ninth Symphony, fourth movement, a setting of Friedrich Schiller's "Ode to Joy")
friends nice head Stations
Let us stand all head to head,
Loud and colorful, with noise and trumpet
Should we behold our struggles:
all resists and with joy, That it
jab and nudged and hooks -
we are many thousands of people
And we are growing day by day.
friends beautiful parks and trees
"irreversible" is a word.
Woll'n only one we do not miss:
here to protect this place.
For the wheel, which they swear
"his" unstoppable run,
Will we, the citizens, disrupt,
If necessary, we offer something to us!
friends beautiful land laws
And the free referendum.
No one wants to violate the right to
We bow only a little Switzerland:
be involved in something more
What and who, why and for what?
Drum, by peaceful gestures
Stell'n the foot, we in the door.
friends, this city in honor of the reciprocal
Holt wiping out of the closet!
"irreversible" reverse
And the future tells us much!
No fear of coercion and figures
we are the people we have the money.
See how our eyes shine:
So we change the world.
... and our thanks to Lothar Reinhard, who has spread this story about the APRI-list!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Eating An Apple Makes My Face Turn Red
A small clique within the left WHV apparently tried in a kind of smear campaign against individual members of the District Executive Committee to act and shy away from false allegations and defamation will not return. - We do not want you denied it all and are very happy that we left the WHV striking out on our side for some time from the list of supporters ...
The e-mail that circulated in the party Die Linke, there is an internal e-mail from the organization of distribution the voters of Community LAW - wilhelmshaven left alternative. The email was dated 04/11/2010 at 11.26 clock:
"Ad hoc announcement
are currently members of the Party For The Left held in Wilhelmshaven
house searches that are to be connected with the planned protests against the
Castor Transport .
At the epicenter in the market street 124 is searched. "
This mail was forwarded to the group beyond the intended recipients.
reply to the press release THE LINKE.Wilhelmshaven:
It is wrong that The Left has no connection with the epicenter. Rather
is such that a very large proportion of the members of the Left regularly resides at the epicenter and supports this project more or less.
The two persons, acting in trust for the epicenter, are members of the party Die Linke. More than a party initiated exclusion proceedings against them to the members and they themselves know nothing.
is certain, however, that a process of elimination is running against a certain other person.
has now exposed the artificial detachment of the circuit board of alleged criminal actions of any kind which are now being imposed unilaterally, the epicenter in connection with the Castor protests.
a disputed "Castor? ! Gravels "poster hung until Thursday - such as at least a week before - the windows of the offices of the Left Party in the Gökerstraße, there are also various brochures. The poster was not posted by those members of the Left, of which the left circle board distances today.
Only on Wednesday met almost the entire circuit board in the party office next to the instructions booklet and hung up information material and approved it obvious, as the poster was not removed from the office window.
Only after learning of the internal communication LAW - wilhelmshaven left alternative to take place detached house searches the district committee of the Left unexpected burst of publicity.
But the fact remains: The Left Member of Parliament and former state chairman Diether Dehm himself, who maintains a Members' office in the party office in the Gökerstraße is one of the signatories and the initiators of the appeal "Castor? Gravels "
Diether Dehm has indicated signs of solidarity after the prosecution Lüneburg's investigation against the initiators of the civil disobedience and thus, according to press a conscious proceedings.
LAW - left alternative wilhelmshaven
and members of the party Read The Left
is the story on the homepage of and left the side of the LAW!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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Who watched closely in recent weeks, has (almost 50% end up in the trash!) Reports on the increasing waste of food certainly pursued with growing astonishment. - The luxury of the overcrowded shelves of our supermarkets has its price:
While all over the world people are starving (36 million are the ones who are acutely affected by it and even pay with their lives), makes it the western civilized World crush food simple.
Some people have pointed out for years and have a unique method created to deal with it - you just buy a not more, pick up what they need from the dustbins and containers (so say the name), behind the large shopping malls are.
Actually this is a theft because the waste belongs to either the collector or the store, who disposed of. - Actually, this has been but also anyone interested and people who have been caught in such a "garbage theft" came with a warning like this (once it was already a working edition of 60 voluntary hours) or the cases were dismissed. - And really the whole thing a disgrace: Indeed, there are actually many manufacturers of food products and operator of discount stores which refuse to transfer their expired or damaged products, or make only a certain number of the tablets. - The rest just goes the way of all ephemeral ...
Just incredible, is that analysts have come from all over the world to believe that was supplied with the conventional methods of cultivation up to 12 billion people possible, it is not possible, however, the hunger of the 7 billion to breastfeed! -
The "garbage theft" is more a political Ausage than any member of our economy that it causes serious damage, because the saved money goes other use in consumption, so the economic cycle, again. - And yes, he is only the producers of Nahrungsverklappung open your eyes!
For two young men from Saxony (chub / chub circle) but the matter could now have a more far-reaching consequences. - A penalty against them for ten or twenty daily rate has been imposed! You are of course degegen gone to appeal and even this goes tomorrow in the second day of talks. - If the two axes are convicted, they would be the first convicted of "container" of the Republic!
be read at:
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Public Sharking Gallery
information and discussion with
Veit Wilhelmy (Secretary of the IG BAU)
Topic: Political strike, general strike
When: Thursday, 10.21.2010 at 19.30 clock
Where: International Cultural Association, Marktstr. 128
Organisers: A collaboration between epicenter Wilhelmshaven and Rosa
Luxembourg Club Ostfriesland
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
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... we must ask ourselves how serious the government really, if they HarzIV receivers in the future anyway Addiction disabled, but now once determined statistically withheld amounts of alcohol and tobacco products and will board fully Wohlgemut one of the many discount stores: - (!) But, oh, after a few meters reel back, we have appalled and realize that the cheap beer is still 27, - costs pennies and is also the so-called booze since the introduction of the euro hardly what has done ...
We consider ourselves and spontaneously. - Oh yes, tax increases, there was indeed something ... But even here, disillusionment at the box office! There they are: the so-called toilet paper roll! The mean exactly when we work over a cut of the tobacco tax determined, but are not at all healthy ... It seems we will be dazzled, so did support our addiction by these apparent gifts!?
Or is it rather that the leaders have long recognized that they stand in times of chronic under-employment of an ever-increasing mass of desperate people over whom they have no answer but certainly nothing and from whom they fear? - The weaving them with such submissions, and must be silenced?
"Indeed," some say "it is!" - If one were to accept this socially uprooted their last resort, would be within a short time an insurrection ... Then
so dear a death on the installment plan? State-organized euthanasia? - Because otherwise they are cheap beers, this residual Alkohlverschnitt and this stinky-stump ...
Why but to take a whole segment of the population into custody must be the closing of our imagination. Why you must avoid, for example, the young mother and statistically no longer even recognized, de facto early retirement, for which one has no easy-to-place activity, social participation, develops not. - Be that in this country more and more people died of despair, is clearly in charge and if they are honest, they have to also not a panacea. - Then withdraw funds prefer to keep the status quo and somehow hope that the Preisteigerung does the rest!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
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not forty, not twenty, no, ridiculous five euros, the federal government let the HarzIV receivers benefit and says that they do their homework would have met, because each individual item of their new calculation would be just detectable ... And then one has just the position for alcohol and cigarettes (19, - €) deducted from the bill. But wait! - Was not there talk of social participation? Believes that the benefits usually a decent subsistence do not comply?
What has changed in Berlin since now expect beautiful, is not worth the paper on which it stands. - The victims are once again in need, until the final clarification of a decent basic services must continue to starve, is now looking forward to even more than five euros, which barely cover inflation. -From social participation only to say nothing! - It seems that the tips are not afraid of the black-yellow coalition, the transition to Karlsruhe a second time. We are in the future to continue to adjust to the fact that they make deliberately anti-constitutional legal texts on the way and that as long as this narrow-minded ladies and gentlemen the helm of the state in holding hands, remain the constitutional court is an integral part of the political process.
What they have now put forward there remains the Verhönung a whole, by the Lords in pinstripes created, new ethnic group, which remains suspended, and if you look at the loss of pension contributions for the Harz'ler looks remain, probably in the second and third generations will.
We say Enough! - "Wilhelmshaven is!"
When: on Wednesday 29.9. at 13:00 clock
Where: Bismarkplatz!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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... Are we again of the SPD parliamentary group , in particular on our alderman Neumann.
A fresh template from the Subcommittee on remodeling / reorganization "in yesterday Ratsitzung, had to content, all services of the city and the urban society capture, was once again the phrase "... which could be provided by nature and by external service ..."!
How long will it actually take time before it has spread even to the SPD that such formulations, possible privatization of municipal tasks opens the door. - Do you need to really Prof. Reuter, who told them that?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
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On 29.9. the European Generalstreiktag stand still in Wilhelmshaven the wheels. - The network calls to the crisis together with the SOZAK (Alliance for Social Action Niedersachsen) on to a demo!
starts on Bismarkplatz clock at 13.30! are
As Redner_Innen including planned
Heidi Dittrich (MP of the party, the left)
Andreas Schlegel (LEFT Wittmund)
Johann Janssen (left Wilhelmshaven)
Adrian (from the student strike)
... And for soft drinks are there, following a people's kitchen!
also an open Mirkrofon is planned so that everyone who always wanted to make his discomfort air, here is given the opportunity to do so. -
prerequisite for this is that such person is not intoxicated, or under the influence of drugs, and not a "stupid towels" vertellt (meaning comments that racist, sexist or otherwise offensive content have).
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Wheel Of Time Auditions
Seit heute steht das "Templin Manifesto online, 10 demands for reform of staffing structures and career paths in academia and research - as a result and as a call to the PRO-Science Conference 2010, to show solidarity among students and scholars in order for appropriate and recognized professional forms also be used in addition to the professorship. The starting point is the basic problem of the relatively high number of temporary contracts, including the performance of ongoing tasks at universities and related professional uncertainty of the time limitation for researchers between promotion and professorship. In addition to the "tenure track" will include a balanced sex ratio required for all stages of scientific career. Here it goes to Templin manifest that can be signed online or printable lists . Read for yourself to make, and send it on ...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
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From 1 to 4 September 2010 was held in Templin, the 4th Scientific conference of the union of Education and Science (GEW) instead. Topic: science dream job? Career paths in academia and research . Took part experts, representatives of science policy organizations, including politicians from the parliamentary groups, and many scientists in different career stages.
seems generally known primarily as a teachers' union. It however has also expertise in the field of science and can in many relevant publications and point a detailed programmatic to the situation of students, PhD students, PostDoks, habilitation, junior professors and the academic central block. Was correspondingly high level of discussions during the conference. The fact that also, happily, the category of gender was always thought along, was also taken into account in addition to the content on a consistent gender-sensitive language use and the balance between the number of participants and participants.
were discussed above
- the very uneven and at times very problematic situation of doctoral students in terms of social security, insecurity, participation, life, career and family planning, unsafe perspectives / perspectives. These aspects were also highlighted for the postdoctoral scientists.
- the strikingly high and increasing limit on the employment situation in science (87% of academic staff are employed full time).
- the still-exclusive focus of the scientific career as professor. This is reflected inter alia in the fact that almost only professors are employed indefinitely and subject but also for ongoing tasks at the University responsible Mittelbau often highly precarious working conditions. In this context, "science as a profession," the federal report on the promotion of young scientists (BuWiN), the scientific term contract law, the balance of work and home life, mobility, and in addition to the various forms of work for the promotion of tenure track, the option of transition to permanent employment in higher education are discussed.
- the "conditions for success for the scientific careers of women."
- funding for research and teaching at universities and their employees with domestic and external funding, university autonomy, opportunities for staff development and structure planning in higher education, the relationship between federal and state governments in higher education policy.
- the role of the union at the "design of the work and Beschäftigungsbedindungen university employees by collective agreements."
- scientific career at German universities in international comparison.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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are talking about an "economy package, when in reality a" is anti-social "reduction orgy at the expense of poor people. This savings of 37 percent in the labor and social affairs are planned. It starts with the elimination of the parental allowance for Hartz IV, no pension contributions with ALG II (Rentenklau), The Poverty habituation supplement unemployment compensation to Hartz IV will admit judge, the housing allowance is not the fuel allowance, children should get at best a gift certificate or smart card, because supposedly unemployed parents can not get the kids can not. Hartz IV recipients be forced, under threat of permanent civil sanctions work with extremely low wages and no protection for unemployment. Much needed improvements are now purely discretionary decisions by the administrator.
We've had enough now, really. We do not pay for the actors and beneficiaries of the crisis, while the talk of a party mood again and pretend as if the crisis is over.
will decide in September, the German Bundestag on a cancellation list. While cut ruthlessly at the poor, the wealthy remain completely unscathed. We
!! for the error are the dominant political, economic, speculators held responsible. We therefore call on you, you to participate in the planned protests and actions.
This may be done on a few things that can take years, perhaps for the first time real unrest in our country. It is important here, especially on our willingness and determination. We also think it makes sense that, you Take part in the autumn campaigns of the unions. Nevertheless, the unemployment initiatives and social movements have put their own and other priorities that go beyond the protest of the unions.
appointments to in and around Wilhelmshaven:
29.9. Demonstration against the austerity package - Wilhelmshaven
10.10. "Noise beat" in Oldenburg
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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A left alliance urges civil disobedience to, and plans for 18 October, a blockade in Frankfurt's banking district.
A left coalition will protest in Frankfurt's banking district.
Photo: rtr
Frankfurt -
A left alliance called for a blockade in Frankfurt's banking district in protest against "actors and profiteers" of the economic crisis. On 18 October in Frankfurt am Main is "an action of civil disobedience financial hubs" cripple, decided the "action conference of the AG Georg Büchner, which met on Saturday on the campus of Goethe University. After taking
FR Information The protesters Commerzbank, German and European Central Bank targeted. All three are close together. The protesters want to "block access by anyone and can" to disrupt the business. "Our position is simply," it says in the call: "We stop the redistribution from bottom to top" Whether that be done in the form of property taxes, financial transaction taxes or expropriation and nationalization of banks and large corporations, is of secondary importance.
to Action Conference met according to the AG about 200 representatives of trade unions, the Left Party and Young Socialists, Attac, of local alliances and Groups of "interventionist left." "We do not see ourselves as competition to other protest actions planned for the fall," said AG spokeswoman Karen Painter of the FR. Because previous demonstrations but had shown no effect, either a "quality improvement of protest" is needed. "We want to show. It truly goes"
Of the "blockades will not cause escalation," it says in the call to action, "but they are still determined to pursue her goal." Opponents were not the bank staff or the police.