From an Email of the Student Parliament, which reached us on the email distribution list of the University:
There is now no tuition fees - in North Rhine-Westphalia (see below).The email is attached to a press release of the ASTA from Hanover, which refers to the situation in Lower Saxony.
This is probably mainly due to the (student) protests in the framework of the strike.
Who wants to achieve something similar in Lower Saxony, is cordially invited to participate in the Student Council Studiengbühren-AG-NOA-talk. Dates, etc. on the homepage or at AStA
It is certainly worthwhile, after all, has nds. the highest tuition fees and the least hardship and exclusion rules, in short, the asocial university policy.
way to "vacation" the doctrine in Lower Saxony from this winter semester (as part of the double-suspension Abijahrganges and military service) Monday to Saturday to go 22.00, and with block courses in the semester (Source: State Higher Education Conference).
Heissa that is "funny"!
member of the Student Council of the University of Lüneburg
education protests successful - tuition fees abolished!LeuphanaWatch says: One more reason to reclaim the tuition fees !
On Thursday the 24/02/2011 must cheer half a million students and millions of sympathizers. After much back and forth has made it the red-green minority government in North-West traps by using The Left finally to end the chapter, tuition fees for good. Owe this success to the young people to the protest and resistance of hundreds of thousands of people, especially within the education strikes, and the constantly maintained pressure on the extra-parliamentary politics.
The Hamburg woman Nadine Berger, executive director of Action Against Tuition Fees (ABS), said to the present day: "The struggle against tuition fees are mainly of that resistance is worth against social injustice,"
After Hesse and Saarland coincides with NRW now the largest bastion of ideological Gebührenbefürworter_Innen market. The newly elected government in Hamburg has announced to abolish tuition fees also. The nationwide trend is clear, a government after the other charges is issued.
In the winter semester 2011/2012 are required only in four of 16 provinces, tuition fees. Since the abolition in Hamburg also is common, there will soon be only three states with anti-social acting general tuition fees. Lower Saxony is one of them, and also the one with the highest fees.
"The black-yellow government is ignorant on a course, exacerbated the existing inequalities in our society and shall continue to govern over the people. We demand the abolition of tuition fees in Lower Saxony. "Said Kristian Kröger, Social Secretary to the AStA of the University of Hannover.
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