Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Watch Fatbeard Online

GEW-demand: 10,000 additional jobs and tenure track

The GEW has said some time ago to the structural lack of prospects for young researchers. First, it calls 10,000 additional places for young scientists and therefore reliable career paths modeled on the tenure track. "This name is that scientists and scholars in the case of a positive evaluation of their university for a professorship or a permanent scientific staff position will be accepted."
6ooo these additional points to be awarded to women, mainly because many women among PhD and professor of science would leave.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Facebook - Religious Quotes

The General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest organ of the association

Legal Status General Assembly
The General Assembly is the assembly of all members. The association's members gather to decide by decisions about the affairs of the association. Membership in the Association and inherent in that participation rights of the members are not transferable and not inheritable. The statutes may admit that the membership can be transferred.

tasks of the General Assembly
The General Assembly has the following task:

  • the appointment (election) of the Board,
  • the change in the statutes and
  • the dissolution of the association.
The General Assembly shall take fundamental decisions, the Board conducts the business of the association. The Board may decide
regularly faster and knowledgeable about the business of the association. A general meeting can not as easily be called as a board meeting.

convening of the General Assembly
The General Assembly shall be convened by the Board. What are the conditions for convening the general meeting must be observed, the statute governs.

association statutes see regular meetings of the members usually present within certain periods, for example, at least once a year. An extraordinary general meeting is convened if to be taken in the interest of the Association for fundamental decisions.
In convening the meeting is to nominate which club matters to be decided in the General Assembly. In the agenda the decision points to be chosen so significant that the participants can prepare appropriately.

A model for an invitation to the General Assembly I imagine you may have.

implementation of the General Assembly
The General Assembly has done to the club properly the tasks and to take decisions properly. If the statute provides otherwise, the Board directs the General Assembly. The General Assembly is mistress of her proceedings where the statute contains no binding provisions. The Assembly may determine by majority vote, the advisory and voting procedures. The head is bound by the decisions of the General Assembly.

The assembly line
  • announced the agenda and determines the order of agenda items (the General Assembly may determine by majority vote, however, a different order),
  • calls the agenda items at the debate and decision
  • sets the speaking times of the members,
  • members can withdraw the word and also exclude them from the meeting if necessary.
decision of the General Assembly
The General Assembly decides by a resolution in principle. Unless the Statute otherwise determines, each member one vote in the General Assembly, which must submit it in person, unless the statute provides for a transfer of voting rights to a representative.

The Civil Code provides for the following schemes: An effective decision rule requires a majority of the votes cast. For changes to the bylaws resolutions and decisions on the dissolution of the association, which a majority of three quarters of the votes cast. A decision by which the purpose of the association is to be changed, the consent of all members is required. The articles may in all cases, but also determine different majority requirements. Decisions shall be effective upon approval.

questions? Supplements? Help or support to the General Assembly? then write a "Comment"

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The statutes

Certain rules must be contained in the statute, stating that contain a statutes should and content, which may include an additional statutes .

The mandatory content of the statutes
The articles of association of a registered association must include the following rules contain ( § 57 BGB )
  • purpose to the association,
  • the name of the association,
  • the seat of the association and
  • that the association be registered should.
The purpose of the association
The purpose of describing the objectives of the association and thus the guiding principle for the practical association work.

The name of the association
The club name can be chosen freely, but should be clearly distinguished from others in this city or this county registered clubs.

The headquarters of the association

The seat of the association shall be the judicial and administrative responsibilities. It is defined in the statute and can be freely defined. Provided, however, that the club actually elected to his seat to achieve active or post is.

The entry in the register of associations
sets the rules of the association that the association is registered in the register.

desired content of the statutes
The articles of association of a registered association is to § 58 BGB provisions

  • on entry and exit of members
  • include whether and what contributions from the members are to be made,
  • on the formation of the Board,
  • about the conditions under which to invoke the general meeting is on the form of appeal and for the recording of decisions.
The rules on entry and exit of members
This statute describes point as the entry and exit Vereinsein is regulated (membership application or a specific admission procedures).

The scheme of
The scheme should specify at least whether contributions afford to be. Types and amounts of contributions must not be defined in the statute.

The formation of the Board
should be settled here, who elects the Board and from how many members make up the board.

The convening of the meeting is convened
How and in what form the General Assembly and the recording of decisions should be regulated.

Can content of the articles of association
If the statute makes no provision, the Civil Code and
is therefore a "statutory rule club constitution" exists, which in many cases leads to a balance of interests of all concerned. Statute provisions are only necessary as far as to apply different rules for the club.

The form of the statute
When this association is the Writing required, signed by the founders of the Association at the register of associations must be submitted.

to avoid subsequent amendments to the statutes, it is advisable to use the satellite ¬ tion draft before its adoption by the General Assembly to the tax office for consideration. In many tax offices are club officers to help in tax matters.
Check the tax at certain time intervals that the conditions of non-profit wei ¬ terhin are met.

In Create your statutes I will help you - Email

registration with the Register of
The following documents are in the register of associations submitted:

  • a notification letter
  • the original and one copy (copy) the statute, and copy (copy) of the Protocol and establishing
  • a copy (copy) on the appointment of the Board.
The letter of notification
The application letter should include:
  • registration of the association founded on the entry in the register,
  • names, birth dates and addresses of the elected board members and
  • the certified public signatures of authorized representative Board members.

Registration Registration must be authorized representatives of all board members - to be signed before a notary (from the town clerk or - - in some states). Signatures must be certified public . In some provinces there are exceptions. Please register in advance at the club (register court) ask.

statute, founding charter of the protocol and the Board member's
The application is the Statute establishing protocol accompanied by the certificate and a Board member with one copy. From the day of the Statute, should result in the establishment of the association. The original of the Articles of Association must be signed by at least seven members

A model of the application and a model constitution, I like to offer -. Email .

The entry in the register
in the register to be entered by the District Court and released:

  • the name of the association with the words "registered organization" or for differing statutes in short "e. V.",
  • the seat of the association,
  • the day of the Statute of the construction,
  • the names, birth dates and locations of all board members,
  • provisions in the statute concerning the right of representation and decision of the Board.
The original of the statutes is returned to the club with a certificate of registration.

questions? Supplements? Aid or assistance in the preparation of the statutes? then write a comment.

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The association

The Association is an association, composed of several people voluntarily pursuing a common ideal and purpose. He is a corporate entity as an association is independent of the change of members. A club always has a board of directors.

Notional Purpose
An idealistic purpose is not an economic activity and not aimed at a profit. Clubs can also be economically active if the activity is the ideal primary purpose is clearly subordinate. Associations can be aligned very diverse, such as sport, culture, education, child care, nature, etc. Activities.

The registered association
is entered in the register of the association, it is called by the registered association (§ 21 BGB ) or the unincorporated association. On the non-profit association I would like received at this point but not reported to a later date.

association founded
At least seven persons (§ 56 BGB ) can establish a registered association. The founding of the association is completed, if given the founding members of a statute. founding members can be any natural person, but for example, limited companies, companies with limited liability, other unincorporated associations, municipalities and counties, etc. All of the founding members must be legally competent. Minors who are at least seven but not yet 18 years old can start a club only with the consent of their legal representatives (parents).

In preparing the club was founded, I like to help - Email

founding protocol
The founding members are expected to agree on the establishment of the association and its statutes. In addition, the first Board shall be chosen. The number of elected Board members is determined by the statutes. These agreements must be recorded in a protocol establishing and signed by all founding members.

questions? Supplements? Help or support for the creation of an association? then write a comment.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lacquer Thinner On Epoxy Primer


I found a very interesting article in Le Monde Diplomatique (June 2010). I thought it was interesting to summarise the main points and discuss the topic. I am not German mother tongue, so I preferred to write in English. Feel free to comment also in German.

Original source: Pablo Jensen [1] , « L’histoire des sciences n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille »


Science seems to have no sources anymore. Researchers build their own theories on the basis of previous ones. However, the image of a linear flux naturally bringing towards scientific truth is strongly criticised and put into discussion by new social studies on research mechanisms .

Sciences never easily found their place in society. Scientific domains have to coexist with a fundamental contradiction coming from the old ideal that sees “pure science” as isolated from deformations resulting from economic and social contingencies [2] . In the last decades, studies on social history of science, initiated by Alexandre Koyré and Thomas Kuhn [3] , transformed the way in which the place of science in society is conceived.

Far from what traditional history tells us [4] , sciences’ evolution is not the result of a coherent and linear project, but the one of temporal and spiritual global changes. History of sciences is like a watercourse, flowing towards an unknown ocean, facing obstacles, accidents and bends. Sciences do not discover the world , but build new worlds while holding together humans, machines and natural objects.

It is everyday more clear that the great scientific controversies do not end up with confrontations between erudite rationalists and an obscurantist opinion. More realistically, political debates are generated by discussions between different world views’ partisans. It seems clear, by now, that scientific progresses (such as nanotechnologies and GMO) cannot be judged separately from the social system where they were generated [5] .

The great challenge is, then, to find a way to link researchers with a civil society that, on one side, remains submitted and controlled by a multiplicity of influences, but, on the other side, does not accept anymore a passive role.

Let’s discuss about it...

[1] Researcher at the Centre national de la recherche (CNRS) and At The Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon , author of The essay "Atoms cream in my coffee. Can physics explain everything? ", Seuil, coll. "Points Sciences, Paris, 2004.

[2] Report states general research, www.ladocumentationfran ç aise.fr

[3] See Alexander Koyre the Closed World to the Infinite Universe , Gallimard, Paris, 2005 (1 ed.: PUF, 1962). Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , Flammarion, Paris, 2008 (1 ed.: 1962).

[4] See for example George Bartholomew Science Stories, Elipse, Paris, 2009.

[5] Bonneuil Christophe et coll, autrement "Innover? La recherche face à l'un nouveau régime d'avènement de production et de régulation génétique végétale the savoirs », dans Dossiers de l'environnement de l'INRA , n. 30, Institut national de la recherche agronomique, Paris, 2006 .

Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Krisenprotestler mobile

facing some pretty exhausted Wilhelmshaven and Oldenburg demonstrators yesterday (... Hopsa), no, today, back from her trip to Berlin, and although that is not due to bad weather so many people participated in the demonstration, as originally expected, the action can be considered a complete success.

quasi middle of the night (after 4.30 clock in the morning) we were broken up, the move had yet picked up some people and had to clock 11.47, which arrived in good time, at the starting point, the Berlin Alexanderplatz. From where we are after about an hour and after a small opening rally of several thousand (or even ten thousand) people in motion. - Long and several Staßenzüge of time, was because of the demonstration, which was divided into individual blocks.
went peacefully and with some background music it across Berlin, after about 2 1 / 2 hours to get back at the Red Town Hall with the Neptune Fountain. Reinforced by some Samba GUPP performance artist and of course in chants we made because of the grievances, of seasonal workers, recipients of HarzIV and everyone else have to suffer under the neo-liberal policy (for the first time this year with a large student strike-block), very closely. -
The observed by the police riot, we can confirm this but: although went off and even a firework to the officials, but this was so isolated from time to time, that even at Rosa-Luxembourg-Memorial March of each year, more happened, and the escalation strategy (for the officers clearly had one in the De-) is not to understand! - Moved but the implemented security forces after they had already stopped the march again, in small groups by the final rally, that in view of the helmeted and was provided with protectors officials sometimes more reminiscent of jousting, as a trade union organized major initiatives and event parties.

very well liked and very funny we found the reason why some participants, from ver.di.-Berlin, we could observe how they herliefen behind the police and anbliesen Papierschnippseln with this, because they refused partout, multiple calls to the leaving organizers to stop using her martial bustle, and a request that the rally to follow.
Finally, we want to say that there are some sources believe that the fate of the crisis has played into the hands of protest and that the movement was actually already dead. - But we, who were involved in the planning and preparation can, the only entgegehalten: it was to see everything! - The crisis management Ala Merkel and Co. is so predictable that we had on the advice in Kassel analyzed this development is relatively accurate. - The cuts in the social sector and the continued patronage of the rulers are a staple, do not learn from the historical contexts ending market radicals and their adherence to the classical "laissez-faire" principle of American economists of the last century.

All we need to thank us for ver.di. Wilhelmshaven, the ALI and many more, it even have made it all possible, that we organize a bus for the trip and provide the participants with coffee and a snack.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ramen Noodles For Stomach Bug

savings plans of the government

What the Federal Government has since delivered to a new social dynamite, we were actually aware only at second glance - and even then, we did not believe it ...
But now butter by the fish: What does that mean when the Argen wegsparen future pension contribution for those receiving HarzIV? We

last Wednesday saw the student strike. - Several hundred students took to the streets in protest for a fairer and freer educational system, which is the inequality eliminate the pupils and students more time grants and conveys a real education. - Although the economy and complaining ächtzt, they would need more college graduates and skilled workers, decides in our vale of chauvinism, unfortunately, still too often the pockets of parents about the educational opportunities of children. - And Merkel, Brüderle and Schavan likely yes again to and fro, the tricks they want to keep their promises ...
(Submitted by the inclusion of retirement benefits (Renten!) of teachers in the 12 billion is talk and much more!)

But now comes the kicker: If there is yet another one of our expectations HarzIV Children's a good profession to be able to learn and after it has repaid may be well-behaved student loans, he faces now, increasingly, to immediately have to jump into the breach. - And to take over while the basic protection of the parents! -
Since this could take place on completely outbidden labor market no place (! And see us the labor market in Wilhelmshaven at once), have thus not paid into the pension fund or too short, and the Job Center has not done so, they will really get no rent (years of contributions does not meet ... yah, Bätscher) and thus is immediately due in full security means test. - This, however, provides for a few years ago that children with appropriate credit for their parents have to pay.
So there is a total division of society into rich and poor, where: can only pay anything!
But do not worry: Even prevent the deletion of the parental benefit is that something like this happens ...

(story out of a Neo-liberalism, neo-feudalism was cemented!)

Friday, June 4, 2010

How Long Cervix Stays High?

No overnight stay Our bus is

Unfortunately we have not yet succeeded Beds aufzutun.
why we go back on Saturday at 20.30 clock!
Even with the departure times, there is a change:
We will only be at 6.00 clock on the central bus station in Oldenburg!
Schortens / station: 4.45
sand clock / station: 5.00 Clock
Varel: 5.30 Clock