Friday, January 28, 2011

Where To Watch Family Guy On Iphone

tuition fees scandal in the library? (Update)

LeuphanaWatc h reached via the following email list server of the University, could beat the high waves
love listserver community

may come to you the following products so familiar. It is rumored the transformation would be financed by student fees. So off to ebay, with 2 chairs has to get out the semester! Sofa Arne Jacobsen

only times to think ....

hide behind the links are chairs, sofas and lamps. Obviously, there are the same models as in the recently remodeled library foyer. The prices of the pieces have it all: with more than 300 €, the chair is still ridiculously low compared to the lamp at about 1000 €. Shoots the bird off the sofa, which is to be had from 5851 €. The email

speculated that the purchases were financed by tuition fees. On the pages of tuition fees mystudy nothing is the idea, but they are hopelessly out of date. (1)

LeuphanaWatc h thinks: Maybe somebody asks of applied humor to the President?

(1) https: / / / tuition / show


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